My Experience at ENMU

My Experience at ENMU

Growing up in Portales, I was pretty familiar with the University. I drove by the school every day and took my dog on strolls throughout campus. ENMU's campus was a nice escape from this small town. It made me feel like I wasn't in Portales anymore, and it was always my dream to leave this town.

Despite the welcoming campus, I never anticipated attending Eastern. As my senior year of high school came to an end, it became clear I was going to end up attending ENMU. I was not thrilled about it.

It did not take long for this school to grow on me. The acknowledgement I received from my instructors made me realize how special the courses at this school are. I have been able to build relationships and connections with people that are working in the field I want to be in

The individual care that students receive at ENMU is what makes it so valuable. Because of the advice and insight I have received from my professors, I strongly believe that I have what it takes to successfully enter the work field.

I am now a senior at Eastern and I have a deep admiration for the school and the education I am receiving. The affordable tuition offered at the school has allowed me to pursue a degree I am actually passionate about. Without this school, I wouldn't have had that opportunity.

I find a lot of students in the same boat as me. This school was their only opportunity to receive an education. As a result of the limited options they had, they are so grateful for their education and are willing to work much harder.

This school changed my entire perception. I am going to be leaving this school and Portales in May, and I am genuinely sad about it. Eastern was a place I went to escape. Now, because of this school, I will actually be able to escape.