Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Expo

Formerly the Southeastern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair, the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Expo has been held annually on the Eastern New Mexico University campus in Portales, New Mexico since 1958 and covers:

  • Chavez County
  • Curry County
  • De Baca County
  • Eddy County
  • Lea County
  • Lincoln County
  • Roosevelt County

What's New?!

We have some exciting news for students who are in grades 6–12, who live in the counties listed above. We are reimagining this event to encompass all STEM competitions!

We are currently working out the details for this new and exciting event, and will post information here as it becomes available.

Benefits of Participation

  • Students excel by becoming experts themselves in the area they choose.
  • These types of activities encourage students to take initiative, learn and become leaders, researchers and teachers.
  • Participation not only motivates students to take interest in STEM fields, but also stimulates excitement and confidence from the recognition and support they receive from parents, sponsors and judges.