There are many choices available for when it comes to choosing a venue for an on-campus event or meeting. Academic activities always have scheduling priority for campus facilities; University offices and departments coordinate usage requests to ensure facilities are being used appropriately within ENMU and campus policies and guidelines.
Buildings that have rooms available to reserve for events are listed below. You can follow any link below to view available reservation spaces. Information on these pages includes any restrictions for facility use and a phone number to call to make a reservation. Some areas of campus are only open to ENMU students, faculty and staff; this will be noted on the pages.
Room/Facility Reservation Information
Agriculture (AG)
Art and Anthropology (AA)
Art Annex (AAX)
Baptist Student Union (BSU)
Child Development Center (CDC)
Christian Campus House (CCH)
Church of Christ (CC)
College of Business (COB)
Communication Building (COM)
Education (ED)
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
Golden Student Success Center (GSSC)
Greek Park (GP)
Steve Loy Family Foundation Arena (GA)
Jack Williamson Liberal Arts (JWLA)
Lea Hall (LH)
Music Building (MB)
Natatorium (NAT)
Roosevelt Science Center (RSC)
Science (S)
Tennis Courts (CTS)
Thomas More Newman Center (TMNC)
University Computer Center (UCC)
University Theatre Center (UTC)
Wesley Foundation