The Drug Free Schools and Campus Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require an institution of higher education (IHE) such as the ENMU Portales to certify it has implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use or distribution of illicit drugs both by ENMU Portales students and employees, both on its premises and as a part of any of its activities.
ENMU, in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1990, does not condone illicit possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances or alcohol. ENMU is committed to drug and alcohol education for students and employees and takes an active approach toward the health and safety of all members of the University community.
ENMU alcohol and drug policy 40-13 and the entries in the Student Code of Conduct are in keeping with the educational mission of the institution and applicable state and federal laws governing controlled substances. The policy applies to the illegal possession, distribution and abuse of alcohol, drugs and controlled substances as defined in New Mexico statute by any member of the campus community.
ENMU Drug and Alcohol Policies
- Possession, use or distribution of alcoholic beverages on University property or at authorized University events; or
- Possession, use or distribution of alcoholic beverages or their containers in University owned residential structures.
Narcotics or Controlled Substances
- Possession, use or distribution of any controlled substance or paraphernalia on University property, including parked vehicles, outdoor venues, buildings, or any other area owned by the University; or
- Possession, use or distribution of any controlled substance or paraphernalia at any University sponsored event, whether the event occurs on property owned by the University or owned by a private party.
- Policy AGP&P 70-2, Student Code of Conduct
- Guide To Campus Living
- Policy AGP&P 40-13, Drug-Free Work Place Policy
ENMU Drug and Alcohol Sanctions
Students - Students found to be in violation of this Alcohol and Other Drug Policy will be subject to college sanctions as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. College sanctions may include substance abuse education, warning, reprimand, probation, removal from College housing, suspension, or dismissal from the College itself. Students found in violation of this policy may also be subject to official ineligibility for financial assistance and/or ineligibility for athletics.
In addition to these sanctions, possible legal warrants may be issued if in violation of City, State and Federal laws.
Campus Resources
All enrolled ENMU students are eligible for FREE and confidential counseling services through the Department of Counseling and Career Services.
In addition, ENMU provides education and information through small-group presentations, prevention-themed events, printed materials and social media content to all students.
All current employees can connect with the Department of Human Resources to identify available resources with regards to drug and alcohol.
Educational Information
- ENMU provides education and information through small-group presentations, prevention-themed events, printed materials and social media content to all students.
- Alcohol Awareness Tips
- Health Links
- ENMU Student Handbook
Drug and Alcohol Laws
- 21 U.S.C. 812 - Schedules of controlled substances
- Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances Act
State of New Mexico
City of Portales
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Display, Sale and Registration of Methamphetamine Precursors
- Illicit Synthetic and Misbranded Drugs
Health Risks Associated with Drug and Alcohol Use
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
{slider title="Alcohol" class="mystyle3"}
Possible Effects
Slurred speech, impaired vision, risky sexual behaviors, poor decision-making skills, depressed breathing, lowered heart rate, memory loss, risk of alcohol poisoning and potential death
In combination with energy drinks.
Substance-induced psychosis, neurological and liver damage, high blood pressure, depression, dementia, cancer, severe withdrawal symptoms.
Note: Detox will need to be medically supervised.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Amphetamines/ Prescription Stimulants" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
ADHD meds – Adderall, Concerta, Dexedrine, Focalin, Metadate, Methylin, Ritalin.
Bennies, Black Beauties, Crank, Ice, Speed, Study Buddies, Skippy, The Smart Drug, Vitamin R, Uppers.
Possible Effects
Increased alertness, attention, energy; increased blood pressure and heart rate; narrowed blood vessels; increased blood sugar; opened-up breathing passages.
In high doses - dangerously high body temperature and irregular heartbeat; heart disease; seizures.
In combination with some antidepressants - increases the risk of irregular heartbeat and seizures.
In combination with alcohol – masks the depressant action of alcohol, increasing the risk of alcohol overdose.
Heart problems, kidney problems, psychosis, anger, paranoia.
Other Health Issues:
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Benzodiazepines/Prescription Depressants" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Anxiety meds - Barbiturates, Benzos, Xanax, Librium, Valium, Ativan, Halicon.
Sleep meds - Lunesta, Sonata, Ambien.
Possible Effects
Drowsiness, slurred speech, poor concentration, confusion, dizziness, problems with movement and memory, lowered blood pressure, slowed breathing.
In combination with alcohol - further slows heart rate and breathing which can lead to death.
Long- term:
Other Health Issues:
Sleep medications are sometimes used as date rape drugs. Severe withdrawal symptoms.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Cocaine" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Blow, Bump, C, Coke, Crack, Dust, Flake, Nose Candy, Rock, Snow, Sneeze, Sniff, Toot, White Rock
With heroin: Speedball
Possible Effects
Narrowed blood vessels; enlarged pupils; increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; headache; abdominal pain and nausea; euphoria; increased energy, alertness; insomnia, restlessness; anxiety; erratic and violent behavior, panic attacks, paranoia, psychosis; heart rhythm problems, heart attack; stroke, seizure, coma.
In combination with alcohol - a greater risk of damage to the heart muscle than from either drug alone.
Long- term:
Loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, nasal damage and trouble swallowing from snorting; infection and death of bowel tissue from decreased blood flow; poor nutrition and weight loss; lung damage from smoking, kidney failure.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy - premature delivery, low birth weight, deficits in self-regulation and attention in school-aged children prenatally exposed.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Heroin" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Brown sugar, Chiva Dope, H, Horse, Junk, Skag, Skunk, Smack, White Horse
With OTC nighttime cold medicine: Cheese
With Marijuana: A-Bomb
Possible Effects
Euphoria; dry mouth; itching; nausea; vomiting; analgesia; slowed breathing and heart rate.
In combination with alcohol - dangerous slowdown of heart rate and breathing, coma, death.
Long- term:
Collapsed veins; abscesses (swollen tissue with pus); infection of the lining and valves in the heart; constipation and stomach cramps; liver or kidney disease; pneumonia.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy - miscarriage, low birth weight, neonatal abstinence syndrome.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Inhalants" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Air blast, Aimies, Bullets, Laughing gas, Moon gas, Nitrous, Oz, Poppers, Snappers, Snotballs, Toilet Water, Whippets, Whiteout
Possible Effects
Confusion; nausea; slurred speech; lack of coordination; euphoria; dizziness; drowsiness; disinhibition, lightheadedness, hallucinations/delusions; headaches; sudden sniffing death due to heart failure (from butane, propane, and other chemicals in aerosols); death from asphyxiation, suffocation, convulsions or seizures, coma, or choking.
Nitrites: enlarged blood vessels, enhanced sexual pleasure, increased heart rate, brief sensation of heat and excitement, dizziness, headache.
Liver and kidney damage; bone marrow damage; limb spasms due to nerve damage; brain damage from lack of oxygen that can cause problems with thinking, movement, vision, and hearing.
Nitrites: increased risk of pneumonia.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy - low birth weight, bone problems, delayed behavioral development due to brain problems, altered metabolism and body composition.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Ketamine" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Cat Valium, K, Lady K, Special K, Vitamin K
Possible Effects
Problems with attention, learning, and memory; dreamlike states, hallucinations; sedation; confusion; loss of memory; raised blood pressure; unconsciousness; dangerously slowed breathing.
Ulcers and pain in the bladder; kidney problems; stomach pain; depression; poor memory.
Other Health Issues:
Sometimes used as a date rape drug.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="LSD" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Acid, Blotter, Boomers, Cid, Golden Dragon, Looney Tunes, Lucy Mae, Microdots, Tabs, Yellow Sunshine
Possible Effects
Rapid emotional swings; distortion of a person's ability to recognize reality, think rationally, or communicate with others; raised blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature; dizziness; loss of appetite; tremors; enlarged pupils.
Frightening flashbacks (called Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder [HPPD]); ongoing visual disturbances, permanently dilated pupils, disorganized thinking, paranoia, and mood swings.
Dependence Potential
Possibly Addictive
{slider title="Marijuana (Cannabis)" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
420, Blunt, Bud, Doobie, Dope, Edibles (in food), Ganja, Grass, Green, Hash, Hemp, Herb, Joint, Mary Jane, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Smoke, Stinkweed, Trees, Weed
Possible Effects
Enhanced sensory perception and euphoria followed by drowsiness/relaxation; slowed reaction time; problems with balance and coordination; increased heart rate and appetite; problems with learning and memory; anxiety.
In combination with alcohol - Increased heart rate, blood pressure; further slowing of mental processing and reaction time.
Mental health problems, chronic cough, frequent respiratory infections.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy - babies born with problems with attention, memory, and problem solving.
THC vaping products has led to serious lung illnesses and deaths.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Adam, E, X, XTC, Beans, Candy, E-bomb, Thizz, Love Drug, Molly, Rolls, Skittles, Sweets, Vitamin E or X.
Warning: MDMA (Ecstacy/Molly) is almost always cut (mixed) with other highly addictive drugs.
Possible Effects
Lowered inhibition; enhanced sensory perception; increased heart rate and blood pressure; muscle tension; nausea; faintness; chills or sweating; sharp rise in body temperature leading to kidney failure or death.
In combination with alcohol – may increase the risk of damage to the brain or the nervous system.
Long-lasting confusion, depression, problems with attention, memory, and sleep; increased anxiety, impulsiveness; less interest in sex.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Mescaline (Peyote)" class="mystyle3"}
Commonly Abused Substances
Buttons, Cactus, Mescalito
Possible Effects
Enhanced perception and feeling; hallucinations; euphoria; anxiety; increased body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure; sweating; problems with movement.
Permanently dilated pupils, and further long-term effects are unknown.
Dependence Potential
Possibly Addictive
{slider title="Methamphetamine" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Crank, Chalk, Crystal, Dunk, Gak, Ice, Meth, Pookie, Quartz, Rocket Fuel, Scooby Snax, Speed, Trash
With Cocaine: Shabu
Possible Effects
Increased wakefulness and physical activity; decreased appetite; increased breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, paranoia and delusions, temperature; irregular heartbeat.
In combination with alcohol - Masks the depressant effect of alcohol, increasing risk of alcohol overdose
Anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood problems, violent behavior, permanent paranoia, permanent hallucinations, permanent delusions, weight loss, severe dental problems ("meth mouth"), intense itching leading to skin sores from scratching.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy - premature delivery; separation of the placenta from the uterus; low birth weight; lethargy; heart and brain problems.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="PCP" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Angel Dust, Embalming fluid, Hog, Rocket Fuel, Sherms
With Marijuana: Zoom
Possible Effects
Delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, problems thinking, a sense of distance from one's environment, anxiety, slight increase in breathing rate; increased blood pressure and heart rate; face redness and sweating; numbness of the hands or feet; problems with movement.
High doses - nausea; vomiting; flicking up and down of the eyes; drooling; loss of balance; dizziness; violence; seizures, coma, and death.
Memory loss, problems with speech and thinking, loss of appetite, anxiety.
Other Health Issues:
Linked to self-injury
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Prescription Opiods" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Vicodin, Norco, Zohydro, Demerol, Pain Killers, Morphine, Oxy, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone
Synthetic Opioid - Fentanyl
Possible Effects
Pain relief, drowsiness, nausea, constipation, euphoria, slowed breathing, death.
In combination with alcohol – dangerous slowing of heart rate and breathing leading to coma or death.
Synthetic opioid - risk of death by overdose is extremely high.
Increased risk of overdose or addiction if misused, decreased pain tolerance.
Other Health Issues:
Pregnancy – Miscarriage and low birth weight.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
Highly Addictive
{slider title="Psilocybin" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Little Smoke, Magic Mushrooms, Purple Passion, Sacred Mush, Sewage Fruit, Shrooms, Zoomers
Possible Effects
Hallucinations, altered perception of time, inability to tell fantasy from reality, panic, muscle relaxation or weakness, problems with movement, enlarged pupils, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.
Risk of flashbacks and memory problems.
Other Health Issues:
Risk of poisoning if a poisonous mushroom is accidentally used.
Dependence Potential
Possibly addictive
{slider title="Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam)" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Circles, Date Rape Drug, Forget-Me Pill, La Rocha, Mind Eraser, Pingus, R2, Rib, Variations of: Roaches, Roapies, Rochas Dos, Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Rowie, Ruffies
Possible Effects
Drowsiness, sedation, sleep; amnesia, blackout; decreased anxiety; muscle relaxation, impaired reaction time and motor coordination; impaired mental functioning and judgment; confusion; aggression; excitability; slurred speech; headache; slowed breathing and heart rate.
In combination with alcohol - Severe sedation, unconsciousness, and slowed heart rate and breathing, which can lead to death.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Salvia" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Chia seeds, Diviner's Sage, Magic Mint, Sally-D, Ska Pastora
Possible Effects
Short-lived but intense hallucinations; altered visual perception, mood, body sensations; mood swings, feelings of detachment from one's body; sweating.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Steroids (Anabolic)" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Gear, Gym Candy, Juice, Pumpers, Roids, Stacking
Possible Effects
Builds muscles, improved athletic performance. Acne, fluid retention (especially in the hands and feet), oily skin, yellowing of the skin, infection.
In combination of alcohol – increased risk of violent behavior.
Kidney damage or failure; liver damage; high blood pressure, enlarged heart, or changes in cholesterol leading to increased risk of stroke or heart attack, even in young people; aggression; extreme mood swings; anger ("roid rage"); extreme irritability; delusions; impaired judgment.
Other Health Issues:
Males - shrunken testicles, lowered sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts.
Females - facial hair, male-pattern baldness, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice.
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Synthetic Cannabinoids" class="mystyle3"}
Commonly Abused Substances
Black Mamba, Bliss Fake Weed, Fire, Genie, K-2, Moon Rocks, Solar Flare, Skunk, Smacked, Spice, Yucatan, Zohai
Possible Effects
Increased heart rate; vomiting; agitation; confusion; hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia; increased blood pressure.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts)" class="mystyle3"}
Other Names
Bath Blow, Bloom, Blue Silk, Bubbles, Cloud Nine, Cosmic Blast, Flakka, Ivory Wave, Lunar Wave, Salting, Scarface, Vanilla Sky, White Lightning, Wicked X
Possible Effects
Increased heart rate and blood pressure; euphoria; increased sociability and sex drive; paranoia, agitation, and hallucinations; violent behavior; sweating; nausea, vomiting; insomnia; irritability; dizziness; depression; panic attacks; reduced motor control; cloudy thinking.
Other Health Issues:
Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
Dependence Potential
{slider title="Tobacco & Nicotine" class="mystyle3"}
Possible Effects
Increased blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. Exposes lungs to a variety of chemicals. Vaping also exposes lung s to metallic vapors created by heating the coils in the device.
Greatly increased risk of cancer, especially lung cancer when smoked and oral cancers when chewed; chronic bronchitis; emphysema; heart disease; leukemia; cataracts; pneumonia.
Other Health Issues:
Tobacco – use while pregnant can lead to miscarriage, low birth weight, stillbirth, learning and behavior problems.
Vaping products - some are mixed with the filler Vitamin E acetate and other chemicals, leading to serious lung illnesses and deaths.
Dependence Potential
Highly addictive
Helpful Links
A partial listing of resources for students seeking information about or assistance with alcohol, drug, or controlled substances use, abuse, or dependency appears below:
Alcoholics Anonymous
For information on local Portales meetings contact ENMU Counseling and Career Services at 575.562.2211.
ENMU Counseling and Career Services
Student Academic Services (SAS), Room 232
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: 575.562.2211
Fax: 575.562.2215
24-Hour Crisis Line: 575.607.5689
La Casa ENMU Student Health Services
1515 West Fir Street
Portales, NM 88130
1521 W 13th Street
Clovis, NM 88101
1611 S Grand Avenue
Roswell, NM 88203
Mental Health Resources
1100 W 21st Street
Clovis, NM 88101
Phone: 575.769.2345
Crisis Helpline: 800.432.2159
300 E 1st Street
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: 575.359.1221 (available 24/7)
Narcotics Anonymous
PO Box 9999
Van Nuys, California 91409
Phone: 818.773.9999
Fax: 818.700.0700
Safe Ride
ENMU Safe Ride
575.607.9995 or 575.607.5999
SMART Recovery
7304 Mentor Avenue Suite F
Mentor, OH 44060