Adjusting to college life can be difficult. Besides starting classes you have to feed yourself, make friends, get connected on campus and work – all while maintaining your GPA and trying to find time to sleep. If you find yourself struggling, getting behind, or needing more instructor time to grasp a concept our tutoring network can help. We not only want to help you pass the classes you're taking at ENMU, we want to help you develop skills for your future!
Why Tutoring?
Beyond mastering course content, tutoring helps you gain transferrable skills like time management, focusing on tasks, and how to find resources.
We also have a Tutoring Portal where you can find more information and even schedule a tutoring or group study sessions.
One thing is for sure: our tutors know how to help you because they are students too!
Tutoring Options
At ENMU we offer many tutoring options. Our resources fall under three categories: tutoring open to all students, tutoring for qualifying students and tutoring for online students.
Free Tutoring for All Students
Whether you're in English, math, or lab classes, we have options for you.
Free Tutoring for Online Students
Even though you're off campus, you can take advantage of our online tutoring services.
Free Tutoring for Qualifying Students
Some of our tutoring programs serve specific student populations.
For More Information
ENMU Station 32
1500 S Ave K
Portales, NM 88130
800.FOR.ENMU (800.367.3668)
Phone: 575.562.2286