ENMU's Student Government Association (SGA) provides students a voice in University governance and helps to enhance the overall student experience. Student government is comprised of three branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.
The executive branch is led by the student body president and is comprised of other executive officials and directors. The legislative branch is led by the student body vice president (president of student senate) and comprises the legislative cabinet and student senate. The judicial branch is led by the chief justice and comprises other justices and support staff.
Brenan Hillis
Student Body President
Serving as your Student Body President at Eastern New Mexico University is an honor and a privilege. First, thank you to the student body for taking a chance on me and trusting me to serve as your student body president for this term. I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in agriculture sciences and a minor in criminal justice. In the fall, I will be starting my master’s program in Business Administration. I am originally from Clovis, New Mexico, where I graduated from Clovis High School. In high school, I was involved in choir and Future Farmers of America and played tennis.
I have served as a student senator, lobbying coordinator, and student concerns and compliments coordinator for two years. I have also served on multiple committees on campus, and I also have served on the student fees board. I have always tried to serve on various campus committees involving governance. My goal in serving on these committees is to help the student body to the best of my ability. After completing my education and degree, I aim to work as a Chief Operating Officer at an Agricultural Business company.
I am honored and excited to serve you as the student body president, helping facilitate a wonderful and healthy time here at Eastern New Mexico University. I strongly encourage and welcome all students at Eastern to come to me with any questions, comments, and concerns. I can be contacted at any time at [email protected].

Hamilton Gillis
Student Body Vice President
Serving as Vice President of the 58th Student Government Association is a privilege. Being able to work for these students to try and provide the best experience they can have here at Eastern New Mexico University is such an exciting thing to not only be a part of but also lead. I was born in Texas, and due to active-duty family, I moved first to Okinawa, Japan, and second to Clovis, New Mexico, which is where I graduated from. I was involved in high school band, choir, mentorship, and theatre. In high school, I had many amazing opportunities, like performing in St. Louis, Missouri, for marching band and participating in ENMU Solo & Ensemble, earning outstanding soloist three times and an outstanding ensemble twice.
As an ENMU student, I have had the opportunity to be a part of many wonderful groups and have been able to experience many new and interesting experiences that I otherwise would not be able to. I am a Greyhound Sound Marching Band member, which recently won a nationwide marching band competition sponsored and judged by the band Metallica. I have also participated in the Chamber Singers, University Singers, Symphonic Band, and the Once Upon A Mattress musical put on by the ENMU Opera/Musical team. I have also competed in several singing competitions in college, giving me opportunities to participate in masterclasses and recently placing 3rd in my category at the 2024 Rio Grande National Association for the Teaching of Singing. I am also a member of the ENMU American Choral Directors Association.
I am extremely grateful to serve as the student body vice president. I look forward to growing, learning, advocating, and advancing ENMU for students. I strongly encourage and welcome all students at Eastern to come to me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns. I can be contacted at [email protected].

About SGA
Student government at ENMU is honored to serve the campus community. There are several opportunities for you to get involved. For more information, please contact the Student Government Advisor Leticia Schneider at [email protected] or call 575.562.4143.