MSN Greyhound Grad Teaches Next Generation of Nurses

Sophia Jaramillo with her family.
Sophia Jaramillo with her family.

MSN Greyhound Grad Teaches Next Generation of Nurses

Sophia Jaramillo graduated from Eastern New Mexico University with a master's degree in nursing education last Saturday.

The new Greyhound Grad, who holds a bachelor's in nursing from the University of New Mexico, discusses her Eastern Experience and career goals.

Why did you pursue a degree in nursing education?

I became a nurse to pursue a career as a nurse-midwife and have always loved obstetrics. Once I became a nurse, I actually fell in love with postpartum and antepartum nursing and did not want to pursue midwifery anymore. I have stayed in my maternity specialty for the last 17 years.

Nine years ago, I received my International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) certificate and became a lactation nurse. I breastfed my own children and knew what a special bond that created with them, so I wanted to help other mothers on their breastfeeding journeys.

Two years ago, I decided it was time to learn something new. I have always loved to precept and teach other nurses the art of nursing. I have enjoyed educating new nurses to my specialty, so it was a no-brainer that I wanted to teach students who would one day become nurses.

Tell us about your work.

I currently accepted two new jobs. One is as an antepartum and lactation nurse at Lovelace Women's Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My second new job is as a part-time clinical educator for Central New Mexico Community College (CNM).

Discuss your Eastern Experience.

I chose ENMU because I liked that the master's program was offered all online. I was able to take classes while working and being a mom. I liked that it was flexible.

I live in Albuquerque, born and raised, and took online classes only in the pursuit of my master's. Online worked best for me and with my family as we have three active young boys, and I work nights.

Which professors served as mentors to you at ENMU?

Dr. Michael Shaughnessy helped me publish my first professional nursing article. Dr. Susan Bassett helped me tremendously during the start of my master's education. I could always email her for questions and concerns, and she was quick to respond and led me out of the weeds when I was overthinking an assignment or addressing a discussion topic I needed assistance with.

Which class at Eastern stood out to you the most?

My clinical capstone class was by far my favorite. I was able to personally interact with nursing students. I had two wonderful preceptors who welcomed me with open arms and helped guide me through this course. I enjoyed being in the class setting and interacting with students.

What is your favorite part of being a Greyhound?

ENMU has the best customer service team in its administration and financial departments. They are also wonderful about answering my questions or getting me to those that could. They were always respectful, receptive and willing to help. I have never received such great help in educational institutions as I have at ENMU.

What advice would you give to students who are interested in your field of study?

Getting an education is tough, time-consuming, hard work, dedication, filled with a little procrastination that will get you motivated when you need to put your mind to the grind.

Tell us about your family and background.

All my family lives in Albuquerque, including my parents and sister. I have been married for 14 years. I have three sons, ages 12, 10 and six. When we are not home, we are on the baseball field. My sons are active all year long in their baseball and little league programs.

What are your hobbies?

I like sewing and going to Hobby Lobby to find different decorations and projects to keep me artsy when I get a chance.

Is there any additional information you would like to share?

A quote I read the other day and loved: 

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." – Ben Franklin

sophia jaramillo family holiday photo


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