My Eastern Experience: Eric Robinson

My Eastern Experience: Eric Robinson

I came to Eastern from Carlsbad, N.M., much like a lot of us here in Portales. I had my doubts simply because I was worried it would be just like high school. I was worried I would see the same people, hear the same drama and deal with the same problems.

I've never been more wrong in my entire life.

Sure, there was a lot of people from my hometown that came here, but I chose to branch out and meet new people. I got involved in the Greyhound Sound and ASAB. I was able to meet a ton of new people and create a new networking group for myself. I still kept in touch with all my friends from Carlsbad, but it was the new people I met that made Eastern so great for me.

I met one of my closest friends here and moved out of the dorms into a house with them. I got a part time job at the local Wal-Mart and started paying my own bills. It felt nice to be independent, but also became somewhat rough. It took me almost two years to get into the swing of living off campus, going to class and working (now full time). I ended up moving into seven different homes before I found the right one and now I live there with my amazing boyfriend.

I will say that Eastern provided me with the opportunity to meet the love of my life. We met here at Eastern and have created a wonderful life together. We fell in love because of the joy we found in music and on the second day of knowing him, I stole him away to a music festival in El Paso. We now live together with our three dogs, three cats, two hamsters and one other roommate. It hasn't really been the most conventional way of living, but I love it. Two years later, we went back to that same music festival where we fell in love and had the time of our lives. Every day is a journey and that's what makes it unique.

Overall, my journey at Eastern has been quite the rollercoaster. If it hadn't of been for my choice to come to Portales, I would be missing out on this love that I've found. I wouldn't be where I am at today without him or the amazing faculty and staff here at Eastern. I have been through a very rough four, going on five, years here, but with the help of all the amazing people on campus I have been able to pull through and survive it all.

Eastern is a home to me and will always be in my heart as the place where I grew into the person I am today. It is the place where I found myself and was able to learn what it means to be on my own and provide for myself.

It changed me into the Eric Robinson I am today.


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