7 Ways to Succeed in College

Get ready to hit the books and avoid stress! Alyssa Chapman, an ENMU student, shares how to make the most of your college experience.
Get ready to hit the books and avoid stress! Alyssa Chapman, an ENMU student, shares how to make the most of your college experience.

7 Ways to Succeed in College

Welcome to college! At this point, you have probably cried at least once trying to figure out how you are going to actually make it to the end of this process and earn your degree. That is okay and totally normal! There is good news: as long as you stick with it you will make it to the end. Sometimes it may take longer than you originally intended; you'll probably change your major once or maybe even ten times. You will fail a quiz or test, without a doubt. There is nothing you can do, except try to study differently or even harder for the next one. You may forget to turn in an assignment. It is not the end of the world, though it isn't ideal.

College is about delegating. Delegating how much time gets spent on what project, how much time you spend with your friends… basically, you are constantly categorizing importance. I suggest investing in a planner. If you work full-time while taking classes, I have been there, and I get it. Accept that you will basically feel like a zombie for the duration of the semester and buy your coffee in bulk. The experience of college isn't meant to be something that is easy, but you will feel even better about your degree when you reflect on how hard you worked to attain it. So when you start to cry, stop and remember you can do it with these tips.

  1. As I have already said, get a planner, or even a simple calendar will suffice. I think a planner works better because I can take it everywhere and add tasks immediately. I write down everything, from assignments to exams to hanging out with friends. Staying organized is key to not falling apart at the seams.
  2. Tell your friends, family or roommates about your big assignments. You can even tell all three! This way they can hold you accountable and won't let you forget. This also makes it so they won't accidentally steal your attention away from the tasks you need to get done.
  3. You need to actually study. Especially for "Anatomy." Please do not go into that exam thinking you are going to ace is just from attending lectures; you will be really sad when you get your grade back.
  4. If you are an undergrad and still trying to lock in a major, take different classes in areas you may be interested in that also take care of General Ed requirements. The more areas you try, the more likely you are to find something you love. I took everything from accounting to ceramics before deciding on communicative disorders.
  5. You need to sleep! This is a very important tip. You cannot cram until 5 a.m., wake up at 6:30 a.m. and expect to do well and not lose your mind.
  6. If you are stressed, try yoga or just go to the gym. Physical exercise releases endorphins and helps calm you down. Make sure to schedule this into your planner!
  7. Try drinking calming teas before bed (after all of your homework, of course).

Once you get into a healthy, productive routine, you will feel so much better. Also, keep in mind that this hard work only lasts for a few years. Sometimes keeping in mind that this isn't something you are condemned to for the rest of your life can make the process that much easier. Honestly, these are moments you are going to look back on for the rest of your life. So, stop crying, you can do it!