1. Don't be afraid to laugh a little bit more and to look like a fool.
I came to college thinking I had to have it all together. I actually didn't, and instead, I was just a little bit uptight, and people definitely saw through my façade.
When I was trying to make friends, I was so set on trying to be the coolest girl I know. Well, I made myself look like a fool a lot, and then I'd lay in bed all night with these anxious thoughts.
"Oh gosh, I can't believe I said that."
"Why did I do that?"
"I can't see them again; they'll think I am weird."
I had a revelation to begin owning my awkwardness or embarrassing moments to show people that I take responsibility for looking like a fool, but also that I can learn from my mistakes.
My late grandmother used to always tell me, "Hita, don't take life so seriously. Laugh about it."
So when I accidentally fell down the Campus Union Ballroom stairs in heels (that I insisted would make me look cool), instead of running away from my embarrassment and people, I laughed and let people help me up.
2. Get yourself into an adult-with-a-job schedule as soon as possible.
Even though every college blog out there tells you never to take morning classes, I beg to differ. I became much lazier when I took late-morning classes or afternoon classes.
Basically, I put myself into a mindset that said I had nothing important to do and no place to be. When I decided to take morning classes after taking late classes the following semester, my sleep schedule was messed up, and I missed my 8 a.m. class too much.
When I got the hang of being up and ready before 7:30 a.m., I had time to listen to music, eat breakfast, study, catch up or finish homework, read a good book or catch up on my favorite Netflix series.
The next thing I knew was I had more motivation to do my homework, and I learned a lot more because being up early gave me more time in the day.
I made a plan to register for only morning classes to work a part-time job in the afternoon, and then come home and relax at promptly 5 p.m. for the rest of the evening.
As I continued the plan, it was easier transitioning into an "adultier" job after graduation.
3. Start thinking about internships early.
I have had a few awesome internships throughout my undergrad degree, but my only regret is that I took more time to research and apply than be a part of more opportunities.
I decided to only do an internship after my junior and during my senior year, but I didn't exactly know what internships I should have been looking into.
I remember coming into my junior year hearing about all of my colleague's summer internships and how much experience they received.
Someone had the chance to work for Hillary Clinton's campaign, another got to intern in Dallas as a five-star hotel manager and someone did public relations for an organic food company in the Chicago. As you can imagine, those colleagues definitely created a larger networking group and often had a job lined up before graduation.